Esta foto foi copiada
(F/CTxXXX ) sem autorização, alterada e utilizada por um triste indivíduo que a coloca em vários blogs espalhados pela internet sobre o nome de F1Vip/ CT2IKU. Blogs estes de sua própria autoria. Publica as fotos que consegue através da piratagem de outros sites oficiais. Aproveita-se de actos de vandalismo e também de calúnias para criar dúvida e confusão...(vagabundo), só se pode chamar assim um tipo que tem este comportamento. Certamente não goza de todas as faculdades mentais... deve ter graves problemas pela ocasião de lua cheia. Pelo que parece, quer limpar o seu passado junto dos outros RA portugueses e ignorando-se a si mesmo !!! NOTA: Os vídeos depositados na web nada têm a vêr com F1VIP muito menos com CT2IKU, mas simplesmente a cobardia e inveja de um om em desespero no mundo da rádio.
ct2iku xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This photo has been copied without authorization, modified and used by a pitiful individual who places it in several internet blogs under the name of F1VIP / CT2IKU. Blogs created by himself. He publishes photos obtained by piratry (without owner's consent) over internet. He takes profit of vandal acts and lies to generate doubts and confusion...(a real tramp) this is what somebody with such is behaviour is to be called. For sure he lacks certain of his mental faculties... he must have severe problems during FULL MOON. It seems that he is trying to clean up his past among the portuguese amateur radios community but truly ignores how hard it his own ..........................................................................................................................................................................The video clips which are being spread over Internet under the name of F1VFJ, CT2IKT, F1VIP and CT2IKU are the result of a mental affected individual who entitles himself as an amateur radio but is nothing more than a disturbing and provoking radio operator operating in Paris. He is clearly identified by his luck of education. He is constantly losing all his access to clubs, associations and even echolink due to the nonsense and impolite words and accusations profaned against some amateur radios of the Portuguese community. The photos and the videos are a cheap copy from some internet websites which are later reworked to be in shape with his obsene language and untrue accusations he tries to spread. Needless to say that this is a long-date known individual for acts alike.ct2ikuF/CTxXXX....AMATEUR RADIO ?!! Has just put deposited , the video clips which are being spread over Internet under the name of F1VFJ, CT2IKT, F1VIP and CT2IKU ................................................................. J'ai gagné le concours de brouillages du TROCADERO-PARIS .. je mérite des fleurs ! Je veux rester dans l'histoire de la radio ,..merci à moi . On m'a donné q'une QSL ROUGE!!..
coward-like acts.......AMATEUR RADIO ?!......30 years, novice !!!......................................BROUILLAGES>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U56mHl55kc0si vous dit que c'est moi je fais un copier/coller...que je modifie , et je dirais que c'est une menace de mort facil non !!!.
F1VFJ F1VIP CT2IKT CT2IKU DOIS RADIOAMADORES PORTUGUESES EM PARIS LUTANDO PELA LUSOFONIA SEM ANTECEDENTES CRIMINAIS QUER EM PORTUGAL E TAMBEM EM PARIS ASSIM COMO TODOS OS OUTROS PAISES........Two portuguese ham operators in Paris struggling for the lusophony with no criminal records either in Portugal or in Paris as well as in all other countries .ct2ikuhttp://ct2ikt-ct2ikt.blogspot.com/http://f1vfj-radioamadoresparis.blogspot.com/